During their first three years at the Academies, students will spend two hours every Wednesday working on an interdisciplinary project. Students will have the opportunity to choose a different project each trimester. Students can choose among the available teacher-designed projects. Previous projects have included:
- Musical Theater Workshop
- The Art and Design of Chocolate
- 3D Printing for STEAM
- Agricultural Sustainability
- Alternative Energy
- Amplify your Instrument
- Android App Develop 1.0
- Aquaponics
- Art of Electronics
- The Art of Propaganda
- BCA Debate
- Biotech Lab Skills
- Ceramics
- Choir Project
- Intro to Dystopian Literature
- Entrepreneurial Sci
- Entrepreneurship
- BCA Mart
- Experimental Psychology
- Experiments in Optics
- Imaging Techniques
- Intro to Film Studies
- Leadership
- Let's Build a Web Page
- Markets & Trading
- Mission MARS
- Physics (Con)tests
- Playwriting I
- Rocketry
- Science Fiction as a Literary Genre
- Stage Combat/Stage Makeup
- Urban Planning and the Built Environment
- Voices
- Water Quality Monitoring
- Yearbook