Senior Experience
The Academies focuses on developing students’ readiness for the workplace. To help students prepare for their professional futures, the Academies requires that each student in the 12th grade complete an internship program called “Senior Experience.”
Senior Experience is an interactive career-based learning partnership through which students increase, in depth and scope, their knowledge and abilities under the guidance of a mentor(s). The Senior Experience program is a graduation requirement for which students receive nine academic credits in their senior year at BCA for completion of an internship which must be related to the student’s Academy focus area.
Seniors spend the full business day every Wednesday at one of over 150+ organizations in Northern NJ or New York City. Partner organizations include everything from hospitals to hotels, universities to theatres, and from startups to Fortune 500 companies. Students may either create their own new internship or search through our database of thousands of previous opportunities. The process begins in Junior year where students are taught resume and cover letter writing as well as interviewing skills in their Junior Seminar class and begin applying for positions in April of their junior year. A full-time faculty member coordinates and oversees the internship program.
Students look forward to Senior Experience as a true capstone of their time at the Academies.
