This Academy provides an insight into the Hospitality Industry in addition to an in-depth study of all facets of hospitality management, entrepreneurship, and advanced culinary / pastry arts. This academy is ideal for those who are passionate about hospitality; one of the largest global industries and employers. ACAHA students often become involved with a variety of leadership, community service, state and national competitions such as the ProStart Hospitality Management state and national competition and the state and national SkillsUSA Leadership Conferences.
Students train in a sophisticated culinary facility that rivals many professional restaurant. The curriculum includes Foundations of Hospitality and Restaurant Management along with International Baccalaureate business management courses. International Baccalaureate Diploma is optional for ACAHA students. Electives in AP Micro and Macro Economics are recommended. The ACAHA course of study leads to certification from the National Restaurant Association Education Foundation, which can lead to hospitality scholarship opportunities. The students will be enrolled in an on-line class and receive a ServSafe Managers certification. Articulation agreements with universities enable students to receive college credit or advanced standing. One of the highlights of the ACAHA experience is taking part in the coveted annual BCA Chocolate Competition. Their artistic creations are often compared to cake projects on the Food Network!
For students interested in a career in hospitality management or the culinary arts, ACAHA offers the best possible preparation for college hospitality programs such as Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration, Boston University, NYU, Penn State University and the Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne (EHL) in Switzerland, to name a few. While at the Academies, ACAHA seniors take part in BCA's Senior Experience program and have interned at the Black Barn Restaurant, the Loews Regency Hotel, the New York Hilton Hotel, the Pearl River Hilton, and the Glenpointe Marriott.